According to the official Peace Corps staging schedule, my group (Namibia27) has an appointment at “the clinic” for a round of shots on Halloween morning and then we are whisked to the airport for a 15-hour plane ride to Johannesburg. It’s a unique way to celebrate Halloween, right? We will spend the night of November 1st in South Africa and board a plane to Windhoek, Namibia the following day. After that, it is 27 months of, well, stay tuned because I have no idea what to expect. I do know I am ready to be teaching again. I have been subbing at my old school, and at other schools in Boulder, and I miss having my own classroom. Speaking of things I miss, I am having Tilly and Katie withdraw and I have not even left yet. I am trying to wean myself off my attachment to my dogs, so they are living with Tibi more often. But, I am taking lots of pictures and making lots of little movies of them sleeping, barking, eating and pooping (OK, perhaps I do not need footage of either of them having a bowel movement) so I can experience Tilly/Katie moments while in Namibia.

Tiners...I will paint my face if I can grace your blog with a photo from the game ! Go Deacs ! Go Gamecocks !
It IS a unique way to celebrate Halloween--but I can't think of anything spookier than a dozen vaccines for God knows what :) See you in two weeks!
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