Thanks to my learners, I can share the most unique sentences ever written:
I have one dog and sex cow.
She baked a baby.
My heart started to pound in 1992.
Because I swim like a fish, Ms. Greene bought music disc from America.
Some dogs hug each other.
I was running the other night when I came upon a group of women who were waving me down. I stopped to discover five or six elephant in the trees right next to the road. The interesting part was when they trumpeted. Wow. I was scared to be so exposed to such a tremendous animal. Once again, Africa leaves me speechless. Wow. Once again, a moment I will never forget.
I have adopted another village mutt. It is Mo’s mother. Mo loves his mom, so I felt obligated to take care of her. I named her Kate Moss (after the grossly underfed supermodel). Kate Moss, the dog, (who is also grossly underfed) is often the target of violence. For instance, I saw her get nailed in the back with a hoe for no reason. Despite being the village punching bag, she has a loving temperament and always wags her tail when she sees me…or food…or me with food.
I want to give special thanks to Jim and Marguerite who informed me that if I left my water jug in the sun, I could have a hot bucket bath. I did it. It was the single greatest thing I have ever experienced.
There is this little boy who can’t be more than like five years old. He runs with me for about two minutes nearly every day that I run. Most of the time, he is wearing tighty whitey underwear. Nothing else. However, since we are heading in to winter he sometimes wears an adult long sleeved dress shirt. It’s completely unbuttoned and oversized. Tighty whitey’s underneath. I want to snap a picture of the enormous grin on his face as his shirt flaps like Superman’s cape. Either that or I want to pack him in my bag when I come home.
There is little girl who always wears a skirt with her shirt tied around her waist. She never actually wears the shirt, which obviously means she is topless. Yet, she always has a shirt with her it’s just tied around her waist. Adorable.
The first term of school ends this Friday and I am finalizing grades using the calculator on my cell phone. We have a three-week break before the next term begins and I am in need of time to recharge. There are about nine volunteers, including me, going to Botswana for seven days. I planned the whole trip, so I sort of feel like a travel agent. We are heading through Chobe National Park and then to the Okavango Delta for a Mokoro Trip (a mokoro is a traditional canoe). We will then reunite with all the volunteers in our group in Windhoek for what the Peace Corps calls “Reconnect”. It is three days at a real nice resort-type place where we catch up with how the first six months have been. Yeah, as of May 1, I will have been here for six months. Wow.
Two special requests:
I have fallen in LOVE with those Lipton Green Tea packets that flavor my water. I am especially fond of the Cherry Blossom, Citrus and Mango flavor. In addition, the Propel packets kick booty and I used those up weeks ago. If you are looking to send me something, send me any of those.
I have started to recycle through the TV shows and movies I have. In fact, on Sunday I watched Cast Away (starring Tom Hanks and a volleyball named Wilson) TWICE. If you have anything to send…SEND IT. The same goes with books. I am burning through books, too.
Can you mail cake, brownie or cookie mix because that would make me weep with happiness?
Well, as always, stay tuned for more. Next up will be pictures from Botswana…