As a tribute to American Independence, I required my students to answer the following writing prompt: What do you think its like to live in America? Here are some of the more memorable responses:
• They like too much dog.
• They have long hairs.
• In America, you cannot find a person wearing a skirt.
• American people do not know how to steal.
• Elephants like to live in America.
• People from America all have white skin.
• People from America always wear jeans.
• They love wearing trousers.
• They don’t want to see someone who is crying.
• They are having a tattoo.
• I think they are quite good because they respect blacks.
• I think in America there are many criminals like 50 cent.
• Dogs like to live there.
• American people like eating food and watching TV.
• They like running to train the self.
• Americans are like dogs.
• Americans cannot build houses with grass.
• They cannot drink beer like Africans.
Things I have said to myself or someone else that I never imagined I would say:
• There is a dead ant in my loofah.
• I hope Kate Moss does not have puppies in my shower.
• I am just going to flick these ants out of my bowl and then it will be clean enough to eat out of.
• I love Facebook.
• This Paris Hilton song is really good.
• The water is much less brown this week.
• I am craving a salad.
• My house is filling with water.
• It’s too quiet.
• My shampoo is dirty.
• I can’t wait to ride in a car for 15 hours so I can print.
• I am going to wear this outfit all week.
• Never mind the stains, it smells clean therefore it is clean.
• I am not going to care about the dozen flies on my body right now.
• Today’s lesson is on how to say the Lords Prayer in English.
• Let’s bow our heads and pray.
• I dropped my soap in the dirt, picked it up and finished bathing.
• I am sorry someone stole your chicken.
• Can I go to the witchdoctor?
• He has over 100 ticks.
• Did you just take that worm out of his tail?
• If I leave this pot in the refrigerator I won’t need to wash it for weeks.
• Yeah, orange matches everything.
• Why are you wearing a ski glove on one hand…in Africa?
• This bike has no brakes and I can’t change gears, but I love this ride.
• Catching rain in a bucket is really cool.
• Keys? What are keys? I kick my door open.